Read Client Stories – General
There are scores of people who have graciously shared their Self(s) Healing miracles and opinions of overcoming many obstacles that blocked inner peace, or other miraculous transformations that have occurred. We hope you take the time to watch, listen and read. Feel the heart of all SHE offers through their words.
Since 1987, the year Rhonda Lenair began offering her ministration that evolved into what is known today as the Self(s) Healing Experience™ SHE, scores of people have sent Rhonda and her late husband Barry their unsolicited letters of gratitude. Many people have expressed their desire to share their stories, and personal accounts of what they witnessed with Rhonda.
The purpose of including these Experiential Reports is to acknowledge and thank all the people who have shared their personal stories and opinions. As you read these reports, do not misconstrue that what SHE offers is an addiction treatment or therapy service: it is not. SHE is a nonmedical experience that primes one to attain Self(s) enlightenment and its objective is to attain inner peace. These reports are not intended to make any claims that this website and/or SHE can be used to diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure or prevent any emotional or mental problem or disease, medical condition or addiction.
SHE does not diagnose or prescribe for medical or psychological conditions nor claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions; SHE does not provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, nor apply medical, mental health or human development principles.
The information on this site has not been clinically proven or evaluated by the FDA. We also have no scientific evidence to prove or suggest that the reported client experiences are typical, but we do expect that the reports represent a range of the experiences that may be expressed.
What someone experiences through what SHE offers can greatly differ and the experience unique to the individual, thus no claims, promises or guarantees are made or implied about the average, typical or expected experience.
This website contains copyrighted and other protected material (all rights reserved). Any unauthorized use of the information published on this website is prohibited by federal law. No part of this website may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing from Rhonda Lenair.
By continuing to explore this website, you agree to all of the above.
We sincerely wish for you to enjoy this website!
Read Client Stories – General
Excessive Drinking
Food and Weight Issues
Heather, Vermont
“Dear Rhonda and Barry,
I felt compelled and inspired to write and Thank You for improving the quality of my life; I am able to feel and share Joy and be Passionate about living again. I feel so much healthier and happier physically, emotionally and spiritually. The re-balance of energy within me and my connection and harmony with the Universe is available again.
When I read other peoples’ testimonials, I could feel the love and gratitude in their letters: I wish to express my appreciation and gratitude and love I feel – your gift Rhonda is overwhelming and I can’t thank you enough for sharing it with me and others.
Pat, Massachusetts
“Rhonda, I sincerely want to thank you for the comforting message you left me prior to my surgery. It helped a great deal. You were right with your diagnosis of the masses. Everything turned out fine as you suspected it would. Again Rhonda, “thank you” so much. See you soon,
Maria, New Hamphsire
Dear Rhonda: During the past three years when I found it necessary for a treatment I would come in for an appointment and after every treatment no matter what the problem was, I was always successfully cured – like a little baby turning to a parent during a time of need and then finding immediate peace and comfort
It was always that way when I rested in your chair, when you always placed your caring, gentle hands on my forehead, when you gave me your strength, your energies and love. Because of you Rhonda, I believe and know that I have reached complete happiness in my life. You guided me and directed me through every step of the way and as I sat in that chair just last week with your gentle hands on my forehead it finally hit me. I was totally and completely healed. I had reached the highest inner peace anyone could have. There were no more problems – there was nothing within me which needed to be corrected or treated. So, there I sat like a newborn infant – so brand new, so free, so purely at peace.
Rhonda, to say ‘thank you’ is an understatement. To say most anything would be an understatement in comparison to what you have done for me
I truly owe you my life. If there’s anything in this world I could ever do for you please allow me the privilege, the honor, the joy.
I would love to tell the world about you but instead I ask that you publish this letter in its entirety whenever you wish – newspapers, magazines, etc. Share this letter with the public. After all, I’m sure there are many me’s out there who are in desperate need of your loving care, strengths, energies and direction. I love you.
“Dear Rhonda, One month today, haven’t had my fingers near my mouth. They look great! Thanks,”
Ann Nancy, Massachusetts
“Dear Rhonda, I want to thank you for your help. I had read about your success with smoking, alcohol and weight-loss, but I wasn’t sure if you dealt with my specific problem, overspending and stress. I love the Christmas holidays but with a family of 21 (10 children and 11 grandchildren) I had begun to dread it, as it grew nearer. I am a compulsive spender. You couldn’t believe the ridiculous amount of money spent on unnecessary presents I’d buy from the Shopping Networks, catalogs and stores. Well, thanks to your help, everyone enjoyed Christmas. I was sensible and spent rationally. They weren’t embarrassed and worried about the debt I’d been paying off for a whole year. I really enjoyed my family and our holiday together. I wasn’t uptight and nervous through it. Thank you again for a beautiful “old fashioned Christmas”. It was so enjoyable. Affectionately,”
Clifford, Massachusetts
“Dear Rhonda, It’s a long way from Peabody, and a long way from my problems, so I’m taking a little holiday here (Holland), visiting friends both here and in Germany. You asked me to call you in 4 weeks – I’m writing instead… Feeling good. Thank you very much for helping me to move on with my life. I even stopped biting my nails. Love,”
Peggy, Massachusetts
“Dear Rhonda,
I wanted to let you know how well I’ve been doing since I saw you last July. As I explained to you that day, as a practicing Registered Nurse, I had a fear of being rejected for my beliefs in holistic medicine. The fear of rejection was not only by my colleagues but also by friends, family, clients.
Since that day in July I have been able to go about my work as a colon therapist without the concern of how others perceived me. The fear is no longer with me.
Thank you Rhonda for using this extremely useful gift. I see it as a technique that can be used in many different areas. Much success to you.
Michelle, Vermont
“Dear Rhonda, This note of thanks is long overdue. You have had the single largest, most positive impact on my life in over 30 years. I have gone from complete despair to actually having, or probably better to say, finding a path in life. For that no amount of thanks will ever be enough. The moments of panic and depression, when they do arrive, are short-lived and once again I find myself with a positive outlook, hope and peace. Rhonda, thanks so much, again. I hope to see you after the holidays. With all my love,”
Victoria, Washington, DC
Dear Rhonda and Barry,
Thank you. Steven and I are doing well. No cravings, just feeling tired, so allowing ourselves to rest more. Did not even vote yesterday, too much energy required.
We both know that seeing Rhonda has made all the difference in our mental states, which can be really low after opiate use. We are deeply grateful for Rhonda’s gift and its transmission to us.
L. Anderson, Indiana
“Rhonda, just a note to let you know life is good. It seems with each day I am able to understand and take action on all that you shared with me. The Ativan is passed, not a trace of it or a desire for it in my present day life or in my future. …Once again thank you for your helping hand, I really feel I have all the answers I need, and just need to listen intently and help the faith. Hope all is well to both you and Barry. I’ll stop by to say hi in October. Respectfully,